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George Orwell, he/his/him
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April 15, 2021

Amazon reverses ban on anti-trans book

For shame, Amazon! Be consistent, we must silence the ignorant bigots whining that their children are being "destroyed"

With no notification given, Amazon banned a new book aimed at helping parents sever the influences of gender ideology and then reversed its decision in its latest move against voices that scrutinize transgenderism.

The online retail giant blocked the book Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult by Maria Keffler, the co-founder of the recently-formed Partners for Ethical Care, from being sold on its platform six days after its publication.

The book's removal comes on the heels of a similar move earlier this year when Amazon scrubbed scholar Ryan Anderson's book, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, which had until recently been allowed on the platform since its initial publication in 2018. Last summer, Amazon also prohibited the publisher of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by journalist Abigail Shrier from purchasing ads to promote the book.

Keffler told The Christian Post in a phone interview on Wednesday that she wasn't surprised Amazon blocked her book, though she had hoped it would last longer than six days.

"We fully expected it to happen. We knew it was going to. We decided to launch it on multiple platforms because we expected it to be canceled. And so that's why we also put it on Smashwords as well as Lulu, a print platform", Keffler said.

Shortly after CP's interview with Keffler Wednesday, the author said that the online retailer sent her an email, which she shared with CP, explaining that the scrubbing of the book was an "error". The Kindle version went live and the paperback version should be reactivated soon. Amazon had previously told her that the book had violated their terms of service, which she challenged.
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