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George Orwell, he/his/him
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March 27, 2021

USA Today Race and Inclusion editor unfairly fired after remarks about the Boulder shooter

Anyone could've thought that the shooter was white, and "Inclusion" does not refer to whites. Only fascists should lose their jobs over a tweet!

Hemal Jhaveri, who served as USA Today's race and inclusion editor, said in a recent Medium post that she has been fired after tweeting about the suspect in the Boulder, Colorado supermarket shooting that claimed ten lives last week.

Following the news of the shooting, Jhaveri tweeted (her Twitterfeed is now private), "it's always an angry white man. always". "Extremely tired of people's lives depending on whether a white man with an AR-15 is having a good day or not", she added in another tweet.

When it was revealed that the shooter in Boulder was not a white man, Jhaveri apologized and deleted her tweet, noting in the Medium post that it had not been the right thing to do.

"It was a careless error of judgment, sent at a heated time, that doesn't represent my commitment to racial equality", said Jhaveri. "I regret sending it. I apologized and deleted the tweet".

That wasn't enough to satisfy critics, who, in Jhaveri's words, came from the world of alt-right Twitter, claiming she was a "racist" regarding white men, which was at odds with her professional title.

As the outrage and threats toward both her and USA Today grew louder, the media organization "relieved me of my position as a Race and Inclusion editor", per Jhaveri.

haveri closes her post with a scathing takedown of USA Today's newsroom and what she says are the double standards that led to her being fired following a tweet while others have kept their jobs despite doing things far more damaging.
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