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Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the party is always right.
George Orwell, he/his/him
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You may notice that some recent important events are missing, or they appear and disappear, or the headlines keep changing. Nothing to worry about, comrades. The perfect version of history will be written, eventually. And then written again. And again, and again.
Secret Service kills 20-year-old, rushes convicted threat and existential felon off stage after he falls at Pennsylvania rally
A dark day for the United States, democracy still in danger
Huge victory for normalcy: NZ weightlifter Lauren Hubbard qualifies for Olympics and will compete with other women
Yes, she has a penis, but it's a female penis!
35 Years Old Mother of 4 Dies of Brain Blood Clot 11 Days After J&J Shot

N.J. town fires officer, suspends another over post calling Black Lives Matter protesters 'terrorists'
Timid steps towards normalcy
California seeks culturally responsive mathematics education - framework will have everyone learning at the same level for as long as possible
Great leap forward towards defeating racist math
Chinese gov't mocks India COVID deaths in meme, then deletes it
Our Chinese friends should not give in every time someone is outraged
Gary O'Connor, Texas Democrat Who Called Tim Scott an 'Oreo', Announces Resignation
The real scandal: our best and most representative people are forced to resign for telling the truth
Tennessee Senate Passes Election Integrity Act Requiring Watermarks on Ballots
Anti-cheating legislation: pure racism
Under right-wing pressure, Virginia gives up eliminating advanced high school math classes
The fight for math equity and real equality in everything, including outcomes, must continue
Caitlyn Jenner makes it official for California governor
If she doesn't run as a Democrat, she ain't transgender
President Biden masks up for a video call to discuss climate change with world leaders
THIS is what responsible leadership looks like!
Black woman stabs her 6 week-old twins to death

Mexico president suggests US citizenship for planting trees
Planting, cutting, doing nothing - doesn't matter. The worst country in the world should grant citizenship to anyone applying for it.
Democrat Gov. Laura Kelly vetoes transgender athlete ban on school sports teams for girls, women
A grain of common sense and sanity in Kansas
Arizona Democrats sue to try to stop Senate's election audit just before it begins
Pointless. Let them do audit, anything. The fraud will never be proven, no matter what they try.
Black babysitter causes fatal internal injuries to white 1-year-old
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
BLM protesters storm Oklahoma Capitol over GOP bills protecting drivers fleeing riots, police from 'doxxing'
They are right of course. Only racists flee peaceful protests or fear doxxing.
Georgia mom berates the School Board over mask requirements for children
The sad, potentially tragic effects of the anti-science right-wing propaganda: parents unwilling to protect their own children
House Democrats Pass Bill To Make D.C. The 51st State
Please, please get rid of the filibuster, like NOW. The sky is the limit afterwards.
Climate activists dump cow manure at White House entrance
They certainly have a point. Here's to fertile talks with the administration.
Biden unveils sweeping climate goal — and plans to meet it even if Congress won't
That's my Green President!
Black basketball player threatens policeman who killed 16-year-old Black girl: You're next
He is just stating the obvious
Sign at George Floyd Square gives list of special orders for white visitors
Predictably, racists and Islamophobes wonder about similar signs for Black people or for Muslims next to 9/11 memorials. They just don't get it.
Arizona Republican governor vetoes strict sex education bill
Blind squirrel, acorn, Republican, the right thing for once
Sen. Sanders introduces bill to make college free, have Wall Street pay for it
From Mexico will pay for it to Wall Street will pay for it, what's not to like? Keep the free stuff coming!
The Postal Service is running a 'covert operations program' that monitors Americans' social media posts
Only because right-wingers can still post the said content. It won't take long to make monitoring completely unnecessary.
New York: Black woman kills Black ex-girlfriend execution-style

Philly Public Schools Teach Kindergarteners About BLM and George Floyd, Call U.S. 'Pyramid Of Hate'
The younger we get them, the better
Ohio: Family devastated after Black girl, 13, stabbed to death by former friend
The suspect is a 13-year-old Black girl
Embattled HFPA Expels Phil Berk as a Member Following Racist Email
Calling BLM a hate movement and expecting to keep his job? What was he thinking?
Black woman slaps Asian woman outside Manhattan ice cream shop
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
BLM: Our communities are being terrorized at a greater rate than they had been under Trump
Take note, Mr. President, listen to the people!
Ideas exuberant in Portland after Chauvin verdict
Some Starbucks windows did not resist the celebratory mood of the crowd
Nancy Pelosi: 'Thank You, George Floyd, For Sacrificing Your Life For Justice'
No one could better express gratitude. Our hero practically volunteered. Floyd will always mean justice. Chauvin will always mean injustice.
New York: BLM protesters tell white people dining outside to get the f... out of New York
Righteous indignation after centuries of exploitation and injustice
Black 16-year-old girl shot dead by police in Columbus, Ohio
So now having a knife in her hand is reason enough to kill a Black child!
Black man arrested after shooting at Long Island supermarket leaves 1 dead, 2 wounded
No proof the deadly attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Christian university sues to block HUD order forcing male student placement in female dorms
The bigoted intolerance of these Christians must and will be stopped
white policeman Derek Chauvin found guilty of murdering George Floyd
The long road of reparative justice is just beginning
Biden speaks with family of George Floyd, praying for 'right verdict' in Chauvin trial
Oh, it will be the right one, Mr. President. No doubt about it.
white male Richard Dawkins stripped of top humanist award for using science to 'demean marginalized groups'
Not even atheist accolades won't save someone with the wrong opinions
Jan. 6 defendants win unlikely Dem champions as they face harsh detainment
Sen. Warren. we love you, but are you out of your mind? Defending fascists???
Oscars: attendees will wear masks during commercial breaks, but not while on camera
Isn't the science wonderful?
ISIS executes a Coptic Christian in North Sinai: he had financed the construction of a church
He should've known the local cultural norms. Churches are offensive for Muslims, just like for us.
Scott McMillion Named First FBI Chief Diversity Officer
Terrific news. NOTHING, not even competency (a racist construct if there ever was one), is more important than diversity and inclusion.
Ex-cop Stephen Broderick arrested in killings of wife, daughter, boyfriend

Psaki Backtracks Biden's Border 'Crisis' Remarks
What a relief to circle back. So it's true what we always knew: no crisis at the border whatsoever.
Andrew Thomas Faces Federal Charge After Allegedly Shooting At Minnesota National Guard Members
He only did what Maxine Waters had just said: We've got to be sure that they know we mean business
$57,000-a-year NYC school OUSTS math teacher from classroom for threatening 'wellbeing' of kids by speaking out against woke race lessons
We really have to speed up the purge. Such educators are a continuous danger for children.
WHO does not recommend vaccination passports
They'll be helped to change their mind. It'd be foolish not to use such a perfect tool.
Blinken On Biden's Climate Agenda: Americans 'That Relied On Old Industries Will Be Hit Hard'
Doesn't matter. The Gaia First policy of this administration is the only rational one.
white judge says Waters' comment could lead to Chauvin trial being overturned
A whiff of racism in judge's comment, isn't it?
Pelosi: Waters shouldn't apologize
But of course
Jane Austen outed as racist tea lover
Tea with sugar. Sugar from plantations. Plantations that used slaves. Guilty!
Walter Mondale, Carter's vice president, dies at 93
He fought the good fight. Forever grateful, Sir!
Officials: Officer Brian Sicknick, who engaged Capitol rioters, suffered two strokes and died of natural causes

China launches app to report people with 'mistaken opinions'
Why is China so much ahead of us?
Apple reinstates Parler app, stands by initial ban
Big mistake, Apple, big mistake to let *them* talk
Supreme Court tosses out another Republican 2020 election challenge
New confirmation of what we always said. The fraud. Will. Never. Be. Proven.
NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Succeeds in Historic First Flight
And we are only in the first 100 days of this administration!
Private California School scraps Lord of the Flies and To Kill a Mockingbird for new anti-racism curriculum
We are just getting started
Hispanic man shove an Asian undercover cop on Queens subway, is released without bail
Anti-racist bail reforms work as intended!
Pakistan PM says 'abusing' prophet Mohammed equivalent to Holocaust denial
Anything, ANYTHING upsetting our Muslim brothers will be outlawed someday. Sooner than you think.
7-year-old Black girl shot dead in Chicago

Maxine Waters tells BLM protesters 'get more confrontational'
This is how you know a great leader, politician, activist: the right words at the right time. We are lucky to have you, Maxine!
Racist, white supremacist mindset: a parent's letter to other parents with children at the exclusive NYC Brearley School
THIS is what we are up against
As mask mandates end, Oregon bucks trend with permanent rule
Only Neanderthals would disagree
Charlotte's Hester Ford, oldest living American, dies at 116 years old

Ideas burning with passion in Portland again
The latest police killing can't go unanswered
Blacks are not enough: police shot dead a Hispanic man barely armed with a knife
Cypress, Texas, March 17
After outcry, Biden plans to lift refugee cap in May
Give us some more diversity, Mr. President!
Breonna Taylor's mother blasts Black Lives Matter movement
We feel your pain, Ms. Palmer, but your unfounded criticism of these liberation heroes is uncalled for
Castro era in Cuba to end as Raul confirms he's retiring
Leaders, heroes, models, symbols: forever grateful for their anti-imperialist stance and the unparalleled freedom and prosperity they gave to their people in general and their inner circle in particular
Minneapolis City Council candidate encourages people to burn down wealthy neighborhoods
It's just a metaphor for the burning passion changing the world these days
BLM Activist Asks When People 'Ready to Get Blood on Their Hands'
That's a very good question
The Oregonian deletes tweet identifying police shooting victim as white in light of social unrest
So Black people fighting for racial justice riot, let's tell them the dead man is white, maybe they won't... As racist as they come (the journalists, of course).
Gov. Cox stands by his support of the Utah Jazz's minority scholarship program
Hell just froze over: a Republican acknowledging the obvious - white children not getting a scholarship solely because of their skin color is NOT racism
Black man harassed for being in the wrong neighborhood is mentally ill and has been committed to a facility
The racism in America would turn anyone mad
Clinical trial confirms breakthrough treatment for COVID-19
Careful here, we don't need any breakthroughs before EVERYONE on the planet is vaccinated
Another white male kills 8 in Indianapolis FedEx facility shooting...
... and then kills himself
The Scientist, the Neanderthal and the liberty thing
Dr. Fauci is right rejecting Rep. Jordan's bullying and refusing to provide a medical opinion on Covid
BLM leader Patrisse Cullors: you can be a Marxist and buy properties worth $3 million in just a few years...
... because fighting capitalism, oppression, racism, discrimination, inequality and lack of opportunity pays really, really, really well
Pro-abortion leader, 23, dies during procedure to eliminate a clump of tissue
Tragic end of a real Argentinian hero
Twitter bans the account of James O'Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas
He unintentionally shows on occasion what a great job progressives do. Enjoy (while you can) your freedom to start your own Twitter, Mr. O'Keefe.
Bundler who raised millions for Obama and Clinton campaigns and Trump inauguration says he was CIA asset, alleges spy agency 'abuses'
He faces prison, he certainly looks like he wants to be made an offer he won't refuse
Black LA woman, 23, arrested after beating Hispanic woman, 70, mistaken for Asian
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
U.S. Intel Walks Back Claim Russians Put Bounties on American Troops
Well, they walked back AFTER the election, so it's all good
Chicago police: less than a second passes from when 13-year-old is seen holding a handgun and is shot by officer
Will they let Adam Toledo's killer stay free?
Mike Pence undergoes surgery to have pacemaker implanted

Amazon reverses ban on anti-trans book
For shame, Amazon! Be consistent, we must silence the ignorant bigots whining that their children are being destroyed
Democrats to introduce bill to expand Supreme Court from 9 to 13 justices
Fingers crossed! Slim chance for passing now, but we have to start somewhere.
Justice at last for poor, marginalized French Muslim Kobili Traoré after 4 years of Islamophobic harassment
Yes, he may have killed Jewish woman Sarah Halimi while shouting Allahu Akbar, but he was high on pot, so he won't be tried
Western Warnings Tarnish Covid Vaccines the World Badly Needs
Every single solitary human must be vaccinated. Whatever it takes.
Biden spoke to Bush, Obama ahead of Afghanistan troop withdrawal
Ignorant Trump wanted out by May 1. Four more months will make a world of difference.
Madam Vice President will address root causes for the border situation, will not visit the area
Good to know everything is under control
white (of course) soldier charged with assault for shoving, berating Black man in viral video
A video that doesn't show how the incident started - the daily proof that America is profoundly racist
More breakthrough COVID-19 cases reported among vaccinated people in Washington
0.01% of fully vaccinated people
U.S. cancels warships deployment to Black Sea
Just a tactical withdrawal on pre-established positions
Stacey Abrams' Organization Tells Hollywood To 'Stay and Fight' in Georgia
Bad move. Boycott the racists out of their miserable existence!
Russia warns U.S. to stay away from Ukraine for its own good
Don't listen, Mr. President! Our diverse, inclusive special forces can take care anytime of these Trump-lovers!
American UN ambassador: 'slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles'
Truth is just so refreshing. Once we atone, we'll rejoin UN Human Rights Council along with Russia, China, Cuba, Eritrea, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan.
Prosecutors: No charges for officer in Capitol riot shooting
The white insurrectionist had it coming
'Cheese is racist' storm as hundreds back ban on dairy foods in school
Of course it is. Most dairy is white.
Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff dies in prison at 82
He fleeced mostly white rich guys
Hillary Clinton: Just like we had to rein in smoking, we've got to rein in the tech platforms before they truly undermine everything that we believe in
That's what we keep saying. Unhealthy opinions must be muted once and for all.
Greenpeace report: Fossil Fuel Racism
You didn't know fossil fuel fuels racism? You don't have your eyes open.
Iran to begin 60% uranium enrichment after nuclear site incident
Our Iranian friends should've done this long ago. NO ONE will stop their pursuit of mostly peaceful nuclear energy.
Capitol Police Told to Hold Back on Riot Response on Jan. 6, Report Finds
Despite being tipped that “Congress itself is the target” on Jan. 6, Capitol Police were ordered not to use their most powerful crowd-control weapons
Poll: Majority of voters still say cheating 'likely' affected 2020 election
Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Can you prove it? I thought so!
British MP: Earth is overpopulated, abolish the rich
No, it's not what you think (yet). She actually makes sense.
BBC Diversity Chief says 'Luther' doesn't feel authentic: no Black friends, no Caribbean food
Perfect example why Diversity Chiefs are essential and how stereotyping is only bad when coming from white people
Pelosi invites Biden to address Congress
Now really, what's the rush? We're in a pandemic, remember?
white women co-opted pandemic yoga. Now, South Asian instructors are taking it back.
Cultural appropriation should be illegal when practiced by whites
Don't play with fire on Taiwan, China warns U.S.
Our friends are right, the Chinese province is none of our business
KY pro-choice billboards: Abortion: a personal decision between you and God
Oh please, leave god to bitter clingers. There is no god. There IS abortion, thank... the government. End of story.
CNN Director: Network engaged in 'propaganda' to remove Trump from office
Our media heroes are way too modest. Their merits should be publicly acknowledged, not secretly filmed by some RW rabble-rouser.
Black man sought after following and shoving Asian man in New York
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
NCAA Confirms It Will Not Stage Championship Events in States Defending Girls-Only Sports
Common sense and sanity win! Trans rights are basic human rights!
Student fired at officers at Tennessee school, was killed
How long until we confiscate all the guns that kill people?
White House strikes deal with Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala to enforce borders
Mr. President, we didn't elect you for trumpist deals and enforcing borders!
Iran says key Natanz nuclear facility hit by 'sabotage'
Most likely the Zionist entity distrusting the sincere desire of Iran to achieve energy independence
Another day, another Black man (Daunte Wright, 20) killed by police in Minnesota
Mostly peaceful demonstrations, reparations from local stores underway
The most convincing ad of all times
The three tenors of democracy: Get your shots, that's the first step to ending the pandemic. Not the millions laid-off, small businesses closures, distance learning and restrictions. Get your shots, America!
Buttigieg on exaggerated infrastructure jobs estimate: 'I should have been more precise'
That's quite all right, Pete, we know your heart is in the right place
'Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!'
Incandescent ideas take charge of the ICE building in Portland
Wear a mask, save lives!
Even when you are the US Navy eagle
Shocking Study Reveals mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease
More fearmongering from anti-vaxxers - trust the official science and get your shot!
Biden administration offers federal workers 4 months of paid leave if they volunteer to help care for migrant children
Can't get more humane than this. From the bottom of our hearts and pockets, thank you, Mr. President!
Supreme Court halts California's COVID-19 limits on home worship gatherings (5-4 ruling)
That's the bad news. The good one - Roberts voted for us. A minimum Court packing will work just fine.
Ideas let independent reporter know he's just not welcome
Anti-eviction march in Detroit. Fascists, stay away!
BLM founder buys $1.4 million home in mostly white enclave in LA
Outstanding courage of a real leader decided to confront daily the racists on their own turf
Belgium: transgender woman wants to become a nun
While we don't agree with her choice of becoming a cog in the Christian machine, we applaud the valiant fight for real equality, diversity and inclusion
Biden Sends Migrant Kids To Former Japanese Internment Camp Site
A former place of hate is now imbued with love. What could possibly be more beautiful?
Amazon union loses election: Alabama warehouse workers reject historic organizing bid
Redo it! The Party needs more unions and their dues!
Freed inmate who served almost 44 years for rape he didn't commit says $750,000 he got in compensation is far from enough
He MUST sue. DA, police, anyone guilty for this travesty.
Two black women who suffered deprivation their entire lives try to get stimulus checks and slightly injure USPS driver in the process
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
white, privileged, border-line racist Prince Philip dies at 99
He was Queen Elizabeth's husband for more than 73 years
Guatemala's president calls for US to help build a wall of prosperity, says They don't want illegal people there
Uh... excuse me, Mr. President? That's not entirely accurate.
Justice Stephen Breyer should retire from the Supreme Court
We need a Black woman there, not an old white liberal who doesn't believe in Court packing!
Professor of Asian American Studies: white supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US
Imagine all the people living life in peace once we get rid of them...
Tennessee despicable Governor signs despicable law despicably nicknamed constitutional carry
2A fanatics and NRA fascists drench their hands in blood
Wyoming white supremacists adopt law that requires voter ID at polling station
Racist obsession with stopping election cheating threatens democracy again
Black student traumatized by daily instances of racism questioned by police for racist graffiti
Shame on the society that made him act like that!
Mostly peaceful protestors storm Iowa State Capitol
This is democracy in action!
Biden on gun violence prevention: No amendment to the Constitution is absolute
Thank you for saying that, Mr. President! The second amendment is the easiest thread we must pull to unravel the Constitution.
US is prepared to lift sanctions inconsistent with Iran nuclear deal: State Dept.
Great news for our Iranian friends!
TODAY show promotes dangerous theories regarding restrictions and COVID cases
Unforgivable how OUR press gives ammunition to Neanderthals
Trump loses more than $1 billion in 4 years
Normal politicians get richer while in office, he couldn't even do that. Loser!
Disney World will allow parkgoers to take outdoor photos without masks on
Way, way too soon! All for profit... Expect serious COVID outbreaks at Disney.
NFL pro Phillip Adams kills five, then himself
No proof the deadly attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Karate, Wonton, Chow Fun: The end of 'chop suey' fonts
So what else is racist? Today - letter F: fonts.
Florida law would bar university and college officials from limiting speech that may be uncomfortable, disagreeable or offensive
This purely fascist anti-equality, anti-uniformity of opinions, anti-thoughtcrime drive must not go unanswered
Black Navy medic killed by police after injuring two sailors at Frederick, MD
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
City council approves $6 million for unarmed patrols to quell gun violence in Portland
That should do it
Scientists call for new probe into COVID-19 origins - with or without China
What difference at this point does it make?
Abbott blasts Biden for alleged sexual abuse of migrant children before investigation begins
So the racists who didn't want the children there in the first place are now concerned for their safety
South Africa allows using ivermectin for Covid-19
What were they thinking? Luckily we have real scientists in charge here.
Capitol riot defendant alleges beating by jail guards
U.S. restores assistance for Palestinians, to provide $235 million in aid
Another great step in re-establishing normal relationships with our friends
New York Times bestselling devotional implores God to 'help me to hate white people'
If God existed, he'll certainly consider this perfectly reasonable request
Nation of Islam calls Noah Green 'a brother with such great potential', disavows 'act that resulted in the senseless loss of life'
Pity he was so senselessly killed
Teachers' Union Head criticizes Jews as part of the ownership class
And they are so white too!
Heartbreaking video of migrant boy abandoned at border spotlights crisis
You are safe, little boy, Mr. President loves children. And don't call it crisis!
Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit filed against Mayor Kenney and the City of Philadelphia
Trying to protect slaver Columbus' memory? The gall these white males have...
NASA sent employees an email seeking volunteers to help staff facilities for unaccompanied migrant children
Mr. President's touching love for children is felt throughout our government agencies. Just wonderful.
Sinema defends filibuster: The 'solution is for senators to change their behavior'
This Democrat Senator must go as much as the filibuster must go
Black man arrested after altercation with Asian couple in Ontario Mills Mall
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
white Texas woman, 30, kills 2 daughters aged 1 and 6

Americans' Worry About Catching COVID-19 Drops to Record Low
Bad news. Next thing you know - they'll want more freedoms
'Diversifying the cockpit': UA recruiting 5K pilots; half will be women, people of color
Big thanks to trailblazer Ms. Harris: so many more pilots, surgeons, artists, politicians will get their jobs due to their gender and skin color. Not basketball players though.
New York State budget: $1 billion for small businesses, $2.1 billion for undocumented workers
Look at what a progressive Governor can do!, Proud of you, Mr. Cuomo!
Facebook 'corrects' woman's complaint vaccine 'is killing me', then she dies
Despite the usual right-wing smears, Facebook disclaimer is factually correct
Nearly 80 NH businesses oppose bill banning critical race theory in public schools
By all means, teach children that America is a fundamentally racist nation. It's good for business.
Fauci: Confusing Why Texas COVID Rates Are Going Down After Ending Mask Mandate
It's really criminal to sow even more confusion these days. Put the masks back on, so we'll know why the rates go down!
European official sees clear 'association' between AstraZeneca vaccine and rare blood clots in brain
Beware the disinformation - anything making people less confident in vaccines is bad news
End the hygiene theater, CDC says
No, no, no! We WANT out hygiene theater!
Manchin warns Biden's infrastructure bill is in trouble over corporate tax hikes
This traitor should just change parties... As long as there is another party...
$500,000 Jefferson Davis chair stolen in Selma will be a toilet unless Confederate group hangs banner, email claims
Classy group white Lies Matter avenges the evil of slavery, promotes BLA activist wanted for murder
Face masks are laced with cancer-causing toxic chemicals
... and anti-maskers are laced with desperation in their futile attempt to scare the good, obedient citizens
60 minutes attacked for artfully edited report on vaccines in Florida
Of course they are attacked - they were exposing the wrongdoings of a Republican Governor
Biden's DHS may restart border wall construction to plug 'gaps'
Incomprehensible error of this administration. The whole wall must come down!
NBC: Human smugglers use Facebook to connect with migrants and spread false hope of reaching U.S.
It surely doesn't look false
Mostly peaceful BLM activist Maya Echols warns about 'buildings on fire' if Chauvin is not sentenced
Like Maya Angelou said: believe them!
Yemeni Nationals On Terror Watch List Arrested At California-Mexico Border
Therefore the border is safe after all
Young Black boy, 12, victim of a deeply racist society, arrested after merchant dies
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Republican AK governor vetoes transphobic law adopted under the guise of protecting minors from mutilation
A rare ray of hope for the future of gender-affirming procedures in red states
Biden says higher corporate taxes won't harm U.S. economy
Absolutely. Look at the disaster Trump left behind and do the exact opposite of what he did. We'll see the results really fast.
2 young Black girls, 13 and 15, who dealt with institutionalized racism every day of their lives, will not be tried as adults for the accident in which an Uber Eats driver was fatally injured
The humane thing to do
Senator Warnock gives in to Christian supremacists, deletes truthful tweet
Yes, we can save ourselves through commitment to collectivism, not with fairy tales about resurrected carpenters
US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH says

The Biden administration launches a $500,000 contest to improve face mask designs
Masks are here to stay, that much is clear
Five women arrested in southern France over suspected attack plan
Islamophobic French police at it again, under the laughable excuse of anti-terrorism
Practically white Darlene Stephanie Montoya arrested after fatally wounding Asian woman, 64
No proof the deadly attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Bidens have a message for Easter worshippers
Mr. President, it's great that you didn't mention Jesus, but still. Christianity is just an arm of white supremacy. Stop acknowledging it.
US crime rise not letting up in major cities
Replace police with social workers. Problem solved.
Facebook data on more than 500M accounts found online

Calgary pastor bent on killing people with COVID for his holiest festival
Unbelievable lack of conscience
Black Lives Matter activists teach some respect in an Asian nail salon
They'll never call a Black woman the b-word, ever!
When will kids be able to get COVID-19 vaccines?
THIS is the first question, not if the vaccines are necessary for kids. Trust the science.
Black man, 29, turns himself in after killing woman, 80
No proof the deadly attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
OR Governor Kate Brown defends idea who killed Trump supporter
We expect nothing less, Governor
Biden revokes Trump executive order sanctioning International Criminal Court officials
A world of possibilities opens - like prosecuting US military and Israel, we'd hope
Black man hastily arrested after incident at convenience store with Asian owners
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
4 disadvantaged Black young men prevented from getting reparations by the machete-wielding son of an elderly Asian couple
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
US Capitol suspect identified: Black, 25, Nation of Islam sympathizer
Terrorism can be ruled out indeed
California Democrat tweets KKK hood photo to far-right racist neo-Nazi conservative white supremacist activist Candace Owens
Only the very dense won't understand what he meant by saying: “Yikes. You may've dropped this”
US Capitol: 1 officer dead, 1 injured after car rams Capitol barrier
Terrorism does not appear to be the reason (do they mean the suspect is white?)
Black Lives Matter statue torn down a day after its Budapest unveiling
A sad, pre-woke, upside down society where anti-white supremacy is considered racism
U.S. and Iran Agree to Indirect Talks on Returning to Nuclear Deal
Diplomacy finally pursued by grown-ups - great to have Iran, future peaceful nuclear power, among our friends again!
Pete Buttigieg uses for transportation a bike unloaded from an armored Suburban
That's quite all right, Pete, we know your heart is in the right place
Taiwan train crash kills at least 50 and injures 146
Train carrying 490 people stuck in tunnel after apparently hitting a truck
Black man, 29, suffering a lifetime of oppression, behind bars again after traffic encounter with mother of 6
No proof the deadly attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Largely white Aminadab Gaxiola Gonzalez identified as the suspect in Orange County shooting of 4 (including 9-year-old boy)
No proof the deadly attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
NPR caves to pressure from fascists, issues completely unnecessary correction
It's Not Too Early to Start Courting Latino Voters
Pretty worrisome signs, we'll soon need to import a different batch of Latinx. The current one is spoiled by trumpism.
Portland school fears 'Evergreens' mascot tied to lynching
Yes, trees CAN be racist. Like just about anything else.
Democrat attorney, founder of Democracy Docket, points out how Georgia elections law can disenfranchise voters
Say it directly, sir: if you can find your driver's license number, you ain't black!
Black man, 30, on parole after a racist conviction, provokes minor cuts to 3 Jewish family members (including 1-year-old child) with a sharp object
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
University of Nevada, Reno says administrator 'misspoke' when he indicated whites shouldn't be considered for 'living learning communities'
Segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever!, like Democrats used to say
Thousands of Freed Border-Crossing Immigrants Are Dispersing Across America
Why doesn't OUR press share such wonderful news?
ACLU: There's a Lot That Can Go Wrong With 'Vaccine Passports'
Think long and hard, ACLU, if you really want to offer talking points to fascists
Delta CEO blasts Georgia voting law as 'unacceptable' and 'based on a lie'
Yes, requiring photo ID for voting or boarding a plane is deeply racist and must stop now!
First Lady's impressive Spanish skills
How refreshing, after 4 years with a lady who couldn't even speak English
NBC host: Fairness is overrated
Truer words have not been spoken. Journalists should know by now that they can work for the Party without any shame or guilt.
Desperate parents drop their children from Trump's wall
Mr. President, demolish this national shame once and for all!
Gov. Cuomo signs bill to legalize recreational marijuana in NY
Thank you for a first step, Guvernor Cuomo. All drugs should not only be legal, but free.
Smugglers throw 6-month-old girl into river near US-Mexico border, Texas officials say
Mr. President, as long as the border exists, it'll be a deadly hazard!
Reversing Trump, Pentagon releases new transgender policies
Is this the wokest military in the world or what?
Biden is the First President to Issue Transgender Day of Visibility Proclamation
Not to mention - the first President to support 8-year-old children transitioning. Historic times!
South Dakota's governor issues executive orders banning transgender athletes from women's sports
Transphobia madness advancing the disputed notion of biological sex spreads in Neanderthal states
Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down statewide mask mandate
Impeach these Neanderthals!
Biden falsely claims new Georgia law ends voting hours early
Insolent WP writer claims our President deserves 4 Pinocchios. He should be fired. Mr. Biden deserves so much more than this.
Bidens' dog Major involved in another biting incident
Mostly harmless pet still getting acclimated and accustomed to new surroundings and people.
UK: investigation into Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) cartoon incident
Islamophobic teacher suspended
Three women working in polio vaccination drive are shot to death in Afghanistan
Let us avoid applying eurocentric views to different cultural norms
In UK, about 1 of 2 people would have tested positive for antibodies against the coronavirus
The report does not connect these stats and the efficacity of lockdowns. Neither should you.
Basket of deplorables target the WH YouTube channel with dislikes, YouTube comes to rescue
They want us to believe that someone who received 81 million votes is not popular
Diversity chief at US Special Operations Command reassigned during probe into social media posts
Shameful retreat by the DoD - Mr. Torres-Estrada is being punished for speaking the truth about Trump-Hitler
Biden announces first slate of judicial nominees with history-making picks
History-making, skin color and gender beat ANY kind of qualifications! Just wonderful!
WHO: No 'strong enough' data to advocate Ivermectin use vs COVID-19
There will never be strong enough data. Nothing should be tried but vaccines.
Matt Gaetz denies allegations of sex with a minor, claims he's victim of 'organized criminal extortion'
Cis-male, straight, white, Republican. Don't believe a word he's saying.
Hong Kong: China limits parliament to 'patriots'
This is exactly what we should be doing in Congress
Blinken ends Trump rights plan promoting conservative agenda
Yes to reproductive and LGBTQ rights. No to religious freedom and property matters. Really simple.
'The face of evil': Man charged in sexual assault and shooting of boy in Miami
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Many Capitol rioters unlikely to serve jail time, the cases could embarrass the Biden administration
It'd be such a shame!
Loudoun County, VA Public School Teacher Calls Out Student For Not Seeing Race: That's All You See, Just Two People?
Our educators at work: look how difficult it is to make racists acknowledge race
Paris deputy mayor: white people 'must keep quiet when racism is discussed'
Racists incensed because she speaks the truth: the only racists are white
Covid: new vaccines needed globally within a year, say scientists
We get flu shots every fall, don't we?
Covid-19: World leaders call for international pandemic treaty
We must seize this opportunity and come together as a global community. Yes, we're all for seizing opportunities!
Selfless San Diego teachers volunteer teaching migrant children (some tested positive for Covid-19) in person
Racists unhappy that taxpayers' children get only online schooling
Black man sought in connection with an incident in Manhattan involving a 65-year-old Asian female
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Waukegan Latinx activists protest renaming Thomas Jefferson Middle School after Barack and Michelle Obama
Let it be known that no oppressor is safe in the New Woke Order, be it Jefferson or Obama!
Italy sees worst gap between births, deaths since 1918 Spanish flu
Population can and will be replaced. Taxpayers - not so easily, so better keep some.
Trial over George Floyd's killing: 'Mr. Derek Chauvin Betrayed This Badge'
Skip the formalities and convict already! The white male is guilty!
Dr. Gu nails it: white supremacy guilty of Black on Asian crime
IF it were Black on Asian crime (there isn't any statistically significant), the good doctor would be 100% accurate: only the evil whites have any sort of agency
Virtual learning during COVID-19 is damaging children's mental health, CDC report says
If CDC allows this sort of garbage right-wing propaganda to use its name, we're really in trouble. Stay home, get your checks, save lives!
Supreme Court further blocks Hillary Clinton deposition over private email server
A rare, normal decision defending this great woman, victim of a relentless political witch-hunt
Fauci gives himself well-deserved credit for rapid development of Covid vaccines
The decision ... – to go all out and develop a vaccine – may have been the best decision that I've ever made with regard to an intervention as director of the institute.
Dr. Deborah Birx Says COVID Deaths Could Have Been Avoided: 'Substantially'
Of course. Don't forget who was president. It is what it is.
Canada: vaccine committee recommends suspending AstraZeneca use for people under 55
The updated guidelines come following reports of rare blood clot
Navy's 'extremism' training says it's OK to advocate for BLM at work but not 'politically partisan' issues
Making military woke, one training session at the time
Convicted murderer of NYC police officer is now a member of Ithaca's Police Reform Board
Can't get better than that: cop killer tasked to reform the police
Insurgents Kill Dozens In Attack On Natural Gas Complex In Mozambique

Black man sought in connection with an incident involving an Asian man on a Brooklyn subway train
No proof the attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Cops investigate Virginia teachers' Facebook group for naming parents who were 'against critical race theory' and urging members to 'gather information' on them
Scandalous intimidation will only make us more determined. We will not be silenced - but successful in silencing anyone else.
American journalism at its finest: Mr. President, what are you giving up for Lent?
The excellent relationship between Mr. Biden and the press is another reason why we live in a different reality than just a few months ago
Ideas clash with fascists at Oregon Capitol
white-haired white supremacist who pulled gun to protect his property arrested
Trump's racist contraption is no match for ingenuity
Mr. President, tear down that wall!
Washington, D.C. Mayor shares useful tips on how to prevent auto theft...
... in the wake of the unfortunate accident of Mr. Mohammad Anwar
Elementary human rights under the assault of the white/binary supremacists: transphobic law signed in Tennessee
Students will have to prove their sex before playing
Fascist insurrectionist Republican senator refuses to give the people dignity
Why was he even allowed to go to the border? NOTHING to see there anyways!
Easter worshippers attacked in Indonesia
Two militants tragically killed; at least 20 wounded
Loudoun County (VA) Public Schools Committee posts, then deletes the we can & will silence the opposition call for action
The day will come when such weak-knees apology will be completely unnecesary
USA Today Race and Inclusion editor unfairly fired after remarks about the Boulder shooter
Anyone could've thought that the shooter was white, and Inclusion does not refer to whites. Only fascists should lose their jobs over a tweet!
Oxford level wokeness: music curriculums complicit in white supremacy
University considers scrapping sheet music for being 'too colonial'
New York limits qualified immunity, easier now to sue police for misconduct
You are just dragging your feet. Dismantle the police already!
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) removed from a new Dutch translation of Dante's Inferno
We're just beginning. ANYTHING offending us or our Muslim brothers will be purged. ANYTHING.
white supremacist Senator's firsthand account of US-Mexico border
Spreading racist complaints about the practically open border will not be tolerated for long!
Queer Muslim Heroes to Celebrate This Muslim Women's Day
Teen Vogue helps dispelling common misunderstandings of Islamic attitudes towards homosexuality
Foster family told to vacate Washington home to make room for migrant children
Unprecedented humane treatment for these innocent, unaccompanied children. Thank you, Mr. President!
Seattle BLM supporter abusively charged with no evidence
No proof the attacks were hate crimes or racially motivated
Baltimore will no longer prosecute drug possession, prostitution, low-level crimes
Excellent move! The racist insistence to respect the law led to way too many people in prison
Fauci: 'Breakthrough' COVID cases post-vaccination are 'not surprising'
No-brainer: you get an anti-Covid vaccine, you get Covid, that's just normal. Trust the science.
Progressive judge sentences two teenagers to probation after beating their 13-year-old classmate to death
These kids have not had enough experience delivering empathy.
Buttigieg floats idea of mileage tax to pay for multitrillion-dollar infrastructure plan
The more money for the government, the better are the planet's survival chances. Go for it!
Republican senators tour the southern border
The situation is clearly used as a prop and politicized by Nazi white supremacists
white actress Sharon Stone on so-called cancel culture: the stupidest thing I have ever seen
1. Cancel culture does not exist the way its detractors describe it. 2. It should, and Sharon Stone shows she deserves cancellation.
Jeanne Edgar, 66, mortally wounded by Ricardo Saldivar, 23, in stabbing attack
No proof the deadly attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Ohio professor who rejected transgender pronouns can sue university
Trump appointee's disgraceful, transphobic attack against ideological conformity
SD governor signs bill banning abortions based on Down syndrome diagnosis
Horrendous anti-choice legislation keeps popping up in red states
AP: Describing what's happening at the US border
Is there something REALLY happening? No. Just don't call it crisis, don't use words like surge and all will be just fine.
Social justice for toddlers: These new books and programs start the conversation early.
In case you don't accept your 3-month-old may be a racist, you ARE a racist
Border Patrol Agents Encounter Three Unresponsive Migrants
A little girl drowns in Rio Grande, Trump has blood on his hands
US Special Operations Command welcomes new Chief of Diversity & Inclusion, Mr. Richard Torres-Estrada
Great news! USSOCOM badly needs diversity and inclusion. And someone with the fortitude to compare Trump with Hitler is perfect for the job.
STUDY: Chemical That Causes Penises To Shrink Found In Face Masks
IF true, mask mandates make even more sense. Kiss patriarchy and toxic masculinity goodbye.
Muslim Pakistani immigrant killed in carjacking, two teen girls (13 and 15) charged
Race of murderers not mentioned, so we can safely assume they are white
Black woman charged in death of ex-teacher, 93, pleads not guilty
No proof the deadly attack was a hate crime or racially motivated
Transphobic DA charges woman for attacking multiple Asian victims in SF
Emmi Lopez, hatefully identified by police as Michael, pleads not guilty, which of course she is
Australian school sorry for making boys stand in apology for 'behaviours of their gender'
Don't be sorry, don't take back, you spoke the truth!
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admits it was a mistake to block New York Post's Hunter Biden laptop story
No. It helped our guy win. That's all that matters. NEVER apologize to fascists, Jack.
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